Short's Grille is Great
Hunting the streets and alleys of downtown Selma, I found this to be the mecca of antique dealers. There are several dozen dealers in a mere four block area of the main street and a slew of others within walking distance. But this wasn’t the time to frequent any of those as hunger was the … Continue reading
Selma's Frying Pan
We’ve moved south via I-95 yesterday to a place called RVacation Campground (www.RVacation.us) about a mile outside of a town called Selma, NC. The name takes me back to high school and thoughts of civil rights, the turmoil of the 60’s, Martin Luther King, Vietnam and the Kennedys. However, this sleepy little town is a … Continue reading
An Ostrich Outside My Window
We left the Myrtle Beach area yesterday after spending ten weeks there, most of them as workkampers. That was an extremely learned process and something that we will do again in the near future. However, with the major back surgery to my roomate she needed a few weeks down time and I felt that I … Continue reading