Explosions Above!
Tomorrow we celebrate, that is as Americans. We will attend services, watch hometown parades, have picnics and cookouts, family get-togethers and parties. All in the name of the Fourth of July. And every retail store and outlet in the country will be having some sort of sale or another. But tomorrow evening, all over the … Continue reading
Car Accident on I95
While I was traveling to see The Gypsy Larry, I drove up on an accident that just happened. Go ahead and have a look. All comments welcome.
Where Have You Gone Joe DiMaggio
It been a hectic week of taking care of business back here while the roomie swelters away in Selma. But there was a bit of a reprieve last evening as I was able to take in some MLB in the nations premier park–PNC. The New York Yankees came to Pittsburgh this week for a three … Continue reading