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Fun Things To Do

Preparing to Leave

Today was a day full of work. I do that when the time draws nigh to leave where I have been. And in a day or so it will be soon time to depart. To leave the azure waters of the Gulf, the neighbors we have befriended here at Gulf Shores, and the Moon Pies … Continue reading »

Categories: Cities, Full Time RVing, Fun Things To Do, Lifestyles, RV | 1 Comment

Remember What You Have Seen

[ad] There is an ancient Navaho quote that reads as such:  “Remember what you have seen, because everything forgotten returns to the circling winds“. On the road, the strangest, most pointless things seem to matter and the ‘real world’ of bills and war that all else worry about just slips away.  We roll along a … Continue reading »

Categories: Full Time RVing, Fun Things To Do | 1 Comment

Delirious with Lust…Wanderlust!

  The morning ritual went as true to form as it has for the past months.  Coffee with Maggie Rodriguez, Harry Smith, and Julie Chen from the Early Show. OK,  I’ve had enough of Mrs. Obama already.  Over to the eliptical machine, weights and sauna that anchor down the east side of the clubhouse. Back … Continue reading »

Categories: Cities, Fun Things To Do, People | 6 Comments