I’m somewhat of a purist. I like to fly fish, known by anglers as the epitome of purism. I still walk my round on the golf course, unless I’m playing with someone else. My cell phone is a flip device that only calls and texts. And none of my photographs have succumbed to Photoshop. Sure, I do a bit of cropping and I’ll de-saturate a photo to bring it to black and white, but usually I take my time composing a shot, making the settings in the camera instead of altering the photo in post production. The latter choice of not using Photoshop has nothing to do with me being a purist. I just have never taken the time to learn the art of altering my artwork.
Well, that’s my plan, but then again, I’ve been saying that everyday since retirement began. However, I did discover an app just recently that has altered my line of thinking. It’s called Dash of Color . It can be found in your I Tunes App Store. Downloaded it , sync in some of your previous photos, and begin to experiment and play. Since I only have the original IPAD I had to sync my photos from my laptop and then transfer any alterations of photos back to the computer for implemtation into the blog. Not being that computer literate, I quickly found that this one is a technology no-brainer. All I had to do was to plug the IPAD into the USB port and wait for it to sync. I took this photo at Epcot, while strolling in France. For no reason but this other than catching my mind’s eye, this shot just had the “it” factor for me. It was an array of pastels. I de-saturated it to black and white and utilizing “Dash of Color” app, I chose just one umbrella to revert back to it’s original hue. And oh, by the way, I learned another lesson. France is the only country in the world where friendliness is one of the seven deadly sins.