We had a wonderful time with family and friends in western PA. We exchanged gifts with my sister’s family as we won’t be back that way for Christmas. Jay and Chris once again housed us for days and it was time well spent as mourning was still playing a key role there and close friends are necessary. We journeyed East to New Jersey to visit with the young ‘uns for the final time before the end of December. Saying goodbye and giving one last hug to our new grandchild was heart wrenching and neither of us could hold back tears. On our final day at Lake in Wood, Jerry stated he would pick us up at 5 and we would meet Cheryl and we would all go to for dinner one last time. Little did we know that he foiled us when we arrived at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mindy and Kevin and a great home cooked lasagna meal was had. Great friends are priceless. The next morning we had all packed in anticipation of leaving when we realized the bedroom slide failed to come in. Nothing, Broke, No Noise, Nada. I got out the large rachet and cranked it in by hand. Much to my chagrin I had awoken that morning with the flu. It was all I could do to move let alone deal with the slide. Thank goodness for Robin’s penchant for all things mechanical. Finally, we crossed the Mason-Dixon, heading for Dixie and sunny skies. On the road for about four hours and could only make it to Winchester, VA as the body was giving way to misery and discomfort. Driving wasn’t easy either as my eyelids felts as if they weighed in by pounds. Candy Hill Campground proved a welcome respite. The next morning I drove to Walmart for onions and vinegar and it was all I could do to muster that much. As I lay and watch television, Robin made turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, creamed cucumbers, and a pumpkin pie as we dined on a veritable feast for Thanksgiving Day. Feeling gulity, I mustered enough energy to help her clean up. The next morning we headed for points South again.