Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of being a king and then became one. Well, except for the names and a few other changes, you can
talk about me, the story’s the same one. But then came the hair, some where I don’t want it, none where I do want it, growing pains and aches, and then I found that all things come full circle.
Uh-huh. I hear that!
BTW, I wrote just “uh-huh,” and clicked on “Post Comment,” and was told my comment was too short,” and I should go back and try again! LOL! I’ve not been accused of having too few words before!!
Hmmmm, I know all about the hair where I don’t want it……still have plenty where I do want it……..never been called a KING, have been called a few less favorable words I’m sure, lol……..but, I am who I am……you either love me, or you hate me! Happy Trails, Gypsy Larry……you are the KING!