On Monday we played golf as it would be the last time this week. As we were teeing off on #3 we looked over and saw Charles and Annette, fellow work campers just a hole behind us. Chuck was playing alone while Annette, hampered by a bad wheel, manned the driving. As we were waiting on the foursome in front of us, we asked them to join us. It was bittersweeet. We enjoyed chatting with co-workers but Charles proved far too good for the both of us, demonstrating lessons in perfect golf shots over and over. I’m sure we’ll find them as partners in the near future. Later in the day, I needed to just cruise on the bike. That gives me some time and solace to think. As I rode past pristine and bucolic farms, manicured and looking almost surreal I thought about leaving here the next day. Things have drastically changed for me as per the brain situation. As stated in previous posts, I had decided to wait until after the current work stint for surgery. I still have second thoughts on having my head cut open as I have yet to exhibit negative symptoms-or any symptoms at all. For the last month, I’ve been researching the CyberKnife. There are only six of these in the entire U.S. After some deliberation I sent a detailed email to the CyberKnife team at UPMC Shadyside in Pittsburgh. The next day I received a call stating they wanted me to visit as I appeared to be a good candidate. This excited me as the CyberKnife is non-invasive. There is no cutting of the skull and would require no general anesthesia. This is a major concern for me as being put out would entail removal of my trache. Not a pleasant thought for me considering past horror stories with its’ removal. Actually the robotic machine conentrates on the center of the tumor, continually blasting it with laser sent radiation. The entire purpose is to shrink and possibly eliminate the entire tumor. I’m sure this process is much more detailed than I’m pervaying but I’ll leave that until I actually encounter the procedure. The ride allowed me to become intensely introspective regarding this endeavor.
It’s not something that can really be shared as the mental images searing my brain come in droves by each nano-second. The personal feelings run the gamut from elation to fear. The rolling hills of Lancaster County proved to be the perfect elixir and stimulant to thought. Tomorrow we leave for Pittsburgh.
Good Luck. Just so you know, there are over 100 Cyberknife centers in the USA and 200 in the world. It will be an experience and hopefully be what you need to help you.
I am holding a good thought for you, as always.
Take care and will be thinking about you.
you have been always on my thoughts, just haven’t been at my laptop…….and I haven’t given up on positive thinking~
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