I’ve been hearing talk this week about driving to New Jersey to babysit a little one name Sadie. It must be a new addition that I was unaware of, but it doesn’t matter. I just love to lick little kids. They just smell so good. This time we packed up the truck and left the rig behind. I’m used to this as I ride with my mom most of the time this way. A five hour ride on the Turnpike isn’t my idea of a road trip. My only salvation was a lady in a booth at the Valley Forge exit. My dad handed her money and she handed him a white piece of paper but also a little treat for me, saying how cute I was. Another half hour and I’m excited as can be, walking to the door to meet this little cutie. Carolyn let us in, we exchanged hugs and kisses and then, there before me, was the biggest disappointment of my life. Not a little baby, not some sweet smelling bundle of joy to lick. No, it was a Beagle. Can you believe it. I was carted all the way out here to babysit a puppy. And I’m going to have to spend the whole weekend with this chick. I’m going to try and make the best of this but I”m not happy about this at all. Mom and Dad were people I’ve never seen before. They doted all over this Sadie, rubbing her, playing with her, and almost totally ignoring me. She tried to pay attention to me but I didn’t want to have anything to do with her.
It was a good thing it was late and we were all going to bed. Sadie got caged for the night while I slept in my usual place between my mom and dad. Awaking the next morning thinking some fun was in store for me, I soon found out that everyone was going to the airport to retrieve Ryan. Sadie was pestering me, wanting to play, nipping and jumping to the point that I had to get downright nasty with her and growl back. Thankfully she was caged while they left and I had the run of the entire house. I checked things out real good but there was nothing of much interest here. Most everything is put in its place and doors upstairs were closed so I could do no snooping. It seemed like forever until they all came back. And would you think they came over to pick me up. NOOO. It was Sadie who was queen of the hour. It was like I was never even there. I just settled in for a long nap. Everyone was doting over this chick and I was having none of this. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Hey Brutus,
Thank you for sharing your mom and dad with me for the weekend. I hope you felt better as the weekend went on. I enjoyed your company and just loved your food as well as mine! I really like running around in the yard with you. You have to teach me how to chase those squirrels. Just do me a favor and leave my toys alone especially my bully stick. I promise next time we see each other my mom and dad will be there and I will be on my bestest behavior!
Dear Brutus,
Sorry you had such a disappointment. But, after all, you are going to be a big influence in Sadie’s life. She will be looking to you for help in squirrel chasing, bone burying, treat mooching, getting your way, and most of all………that sweet look that will get her anything she wants…….you know the one, lol. And, I’ll just bet she doesn’t have those kileer “doggles” does she………..you are the most handsome doggie on the block you know! You re the CHICK MAGNET………..if you need a good spoiling, you just come and visit Aunt Debbie and your cousin Nicky……….we will spoil you, give you treats, and let you liks us till your heart’s content!