A blip on the radar of our lives today. I mentioned earlier that Robin has been having wheezing and deep coughs ever since last March. Our family physician ordered a breathing test which she passed with flying colors. Therein lies the concern. Thoughts turn to the worst case scenario, that’s just how we are. A chest X-ray has been scheduled to see if there is anything in there amiss. We await the results but in the meantime you can’t help but have thoughts of “what if”. As for me, the MRI of my brain tumor are in. My cancer surgeons office called and let me know there was some minimal growth in the tumor. Apparently it’s gone from .15 x .21 mm to .17 x .24 mm. He doesn’t consider this significant but there is concern as to how big can it be until it starts to manifest some other trouble. As this point I still don’t have any symptoms. I googled brain tumors and did some considerable research this week. Headaches, vomiting, dizziness, blurred-vision, imbalance, slurred speech are some of the key factors to be on guard against. To this point I show no signs. However, I still need to hear from my nuerosurgeon regarding the MRI but he is on vacation for another week. Until then, I’ll concern myself about Robin’s lung condition, hopefully wishing this is just another blip on the radar of our lives. In the meantime, we’ve been golfing, visiting with friends and family, and still going through our “stuff” to see what we don’t need. Thank goodness for the people at Goodwill and their open arms.
Im holding a good thought for you both.
Thinking good thoughts, with the cup half full……..Prayers going all around to you and my Seester!