The golf course is so laden with water from hosing down the silt that it is now spawning mushrooms. I have never worked so physically hard in my life, yet the best word I can find to describe my feeling is exhiliaration. My hands hurt and my fingers are sore to the point that I could not grip a club now if I needed to. And this all comes to an end on Tuesday as I begin my cushy job as a starter. And for all this toil and drudgery I will take from it the greatest gift of all–memory. Of all other immanences, such as love or morality, logic or reason, the greatest of all is memory-that force from which our humanity, our loves and lives, proceed. We can survive without morality or logic or reason, but without memory, we haven’t a chance. We are who we are and where we are in no insignificant measure because of immaterial memories. Try this test: Point to love, not the object of love or its espression but the “thing” itself. Or wrap up a carton of courage to send to someone, or give a birthday gift of a box of belief, or pour a heap of invigorating ethics. It can’t be done. Take any concept we live by-fidelity or religion or gravity or any other invisibility that keeps us grounded and snap a photo of it. Can’t be done. That’s why the memories are so important. They’re there in our mind’s eye, a reminder or its importance and nothing can be better than to draw at one’s will upon those memories that make us who we are.
Your missives always give me pause!! Thank you
Larry, we all need to do a bit of soul searching from time to time, and the memories that flood in sometimes are overwhelming….then if we could, we would box them, so we could share them with the ones we love. You are sharing your memories with you blog and your beautiful photographs…….who else would think to take a picture of a lone mushroom, growing on silt, on a flooded golf course, and make it a beautiful thing……