It was a gorgeous day and we wanted to see the Badlands of SD. Robin surprised me with the suggestion of doing this on the bike. I think she knew one of my bucket list items was to ride through the Badlands, the entire thing. So off we went. Once we got to Rapid City, we vacated the interstate and found Route 44, which would take us all the way there via some blue highways. And this is what we saw for three-fourths of the 90 mile ride to the Badlands. After about an hour and seeing nothing but the gas gauge move counterclockwise to the big E. So, lo and behold we came upon the long lost hamlet of Scenic, SD. Now the name doesn’t necessarily equate to what we saw but I was thankful to pull into the only station for the next 35 miles.
However, the door was locked, no one was in attendance. Every door opened to an empty building. We saw no people.
This is what makes up the village of Scenic. Note: This is not a planned historic community nor is it a facsimile of yesteryear to lure in tourist. This is the real deal. (click on the thumbnails for larger photos.)
So off we went without any petrol, hoping that we could make those next 35 miles until the hamlet of Interior would provide us with enough fuel to get back to the interstate. Down the lonesome road, just the two of us for miles and miles with our only accompaniment being a tumbleweed every now and then that would dart in our path. And then the road is out. Literally out as in these parts, when they work on a highway there is no concrete left on one side while work progresses on the other. Nope, they just take out the whole damn thing in these parts and you ride on dirt. Yessiree, dirt on a motorcycle for the next seven miles. Ahh, to see pavement again and then as we were approaching Interior, I heard the sputter. OMG, no, please let me just coast to the station. Not on this day, you lucky boy. Out of gas, and as you can see, nothing in sight.
So, Robin had to go for the gas. Well, one of us had to stay back with the bike to make sure nothing happened to it. And let me tell you this…
She was not a happy camper. Perhaps I”ll just post the photos of the Badlands tomorrow as she is still giving me the evil eye.
Yea Larry, your biker chick, I can’t tell, is she smiling, or is she gritting her teeth? Kind of like the Darth Vadar looks you received when you finally returned home all those years ago after you and my brother ran into Uncle Lloyd (God bless him) at the local tavern those many years ago!
You got it, but do you really think I would make her walk for gas. GOod story though, huh
My guess is…she stayed with the bike and you had to find a nearby gas station…well at least that is what happened to my dad and I several years ago, when we were out in his corvette and ran out of guess on I79 near Marianna…I stayed with the car and he hiked for fuel…still to this day we laugh about it.
Have a good day 🙂