It’s been a hectic couple of days and we’ll catch up with you soon. We’ve been real busy riding our bicycles, playing some golf, going to the gym and splitting firewood for the evening
campfires.We did manage some time to get Brutus a new pair of doggles. And Robin and I have now gone four weeks without eating meat. We’re making an attempt at the quasi-vegetarian lifestyle. We still find that we can’t give up fish and seafood, nor can I go without eggs. Don’t know how long this will last but after viewing a DVD called Eating, I’m trying to unclog my arteries. I’ll take a wait and see attitude on this as I’m not a zealot about anything. And even though we’ve been quite busy, we did get the laundry done today so we’ll have a chance to catch up more with you tomorrow.
We have also been very busy and haven’t had time for the laundrybut will try to match your clothes line this week-end!!
Love the “doggles”, good for you on the diet…… willpower…….just trying to get back on program……… that’s some “high-class” laundry there………LOL