I could start off with a rant that would go on for days about the economy, the presidential race and the state of the nation. But as a nation of sheep, there’s not much we can do as average citizens about such things. I was always taught to invest conservatively, put your money away for a rainy day, and prepare for the golden years. Well I did that and Wall St. threw us a curve. Thank goodness for this consulting stint. But we still are very much interested in putting the stick house on the market, whether it be for sale or just for rent. Much of the disheartening condition is put on the mental backburner with daily bicycle rides. Each day I pass through the National Tunnel on the trail.
It’s an ominous an imposing sight. The tunnel itself is only about a quarter of a mile long but there’s a slight bend in it that doesn’t allow light to permeate through the entire shell. But the journey through it gives rise to the imagination and you can feel yourself looking for creatures to jump from the concrete walls and scare the hell out of you. However, it’s a worthwhile venture as it stimulates the senses and creates a totally converse effect outside.
This is a shot of what I see almost on a daily basis while riding. But did you ever walk an area that you traditionally drive through. You would be amazed at some of the things we take for granted on a daily basis that when examined, are somewhat intriguing. We just don’t take the time to look as we pass by on a motorized vehicle. Here is one such thing. Can you figure this one out?
I see them on a daily basis but never paid much attention to them in the past. They’re ratchets that tighten line fences that keep in horses and cattle, just in case you didn’t know. The walks and the rides have been keeping my mind occupied. I won’t bore you with the daily machinations of the consulting world. Despite the good things of the job, I still search on a daily basis for a workamper position that will enable us to winter in the South. Much of this hinges upon the impending MRI and the condition of Robin’s left arm which is almost totally numb and has rendered two fingers useless. Whoa!, the perils of growing older.
Have missed your blog…..you make the most ordinary things a picture that stirs the imagination………don’t stay away so long.