Finally the server is back up and posting will be regular now. I have no idea where the last post went upon returning north. The consulting job is, well…….regular income but not as exciting or stimulating as prancing the streets of Selma. But there has been a physical change in my body. A year ago, I was diagnosed with throat cancer. At the time of that discovery, the MRI also noted a brain lesion at the base of the left cerebellum. It has been watched over the past year. And it is growing. A trip to AGH on Friday has culminated in the decision that this tumor also has to be removed. Even in the event that is doesn’t prove to be sarcoma, it doesn’t have much more room to grow and will soon become symtomatic. And we don’t want that now do we as that would alter daily posts. So allow me to have my morning coffee and I will collect my thoughts and get you up to date on occurrences.
Happy to see your Blogging again, happier to get an actual bear hug yesterday………keep thinking good thoughts……cup half full……….we’re all here for you and Rob…….
Thanks Debbie, you’re one in a million