The weekend over and most of the world back to the week’s normalcy. Another Father’s Day has come and gone. Now there’s a day I don’t give much thought to. My own father passed some twenty-seven years ago, while I was still in my 20’s. Funny how it doesn’t seem that long as thoughts of him permeate my mind on a daily basis. He wasn’t just my dad, he was my best friend at the time. Fifty-three is a young age to pass on. My father-in-law, a good friend as well passed a short three years after my own dad. So I had lost that father figure, the one to look up to at a relatively young age. Now my own son, still single, still fatherless, had no need for a call from me wishing him a well day. It had occurred to me again, I had no one to call and wish a happy Father’s Day. But I guess it was my turn as both my son and daughter called with well wishes. The day ended on a much positive note as Erin, my sweet daughter, treated her favorite dad by taking us out to dinner. So melancholy was replaced by the love at hand. Isn’t life strange, a turn of the page. On the way north to Raleigh to visit her we stopped to visit Buckhorn Lake Reservoir. I’m drawn to water, perhaps due to my Aquarian zodiac listing. Both my roommates seem to take to water also. Here’s Robin and Brutus enjoying the view from the dock.
Robin’s looking good, Brutus, looks like he might want to take a swim…….Happy Fathers Day……we do miss out Dad’s, don’t we…