Sometime, like most of us, I take my life for granted and how fortunate I am. We overlook the small things that create so much happiness in our lives. Look at this:Every morning I get up to put the coffee pot on, look out my front window and this is the view I’m given. What a way to start the day. I can’t remember when there wasn’t any sunshine here. The rain is minimal. Yes, I complain about the heat and once in a while the humidity, but it’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy. Remember growing up when an image like the one below just conjured up thoughts of picnics and playtime, friends family, pie and ice cream.
While having my morning coffee I’m working through my way of an biography on Harry Truman, written by the award winning David McCullough. At a thousand pages its going to take a few weeks. After that it’s a long walk with my roomie and Brutus. Then it’s back to the bus for a late breakfast and planning the day. Today was work day at the RVacation park. The tree that was hit by lightning the past week had to come down. Erin, co-owner of the grounds, manned the tractor,
preparing to guide the downed tree away from any RV’s. Tony, her husband worked diligently behind the controls of the backhoe, tugging and pulling until he freed the tree from what would prove to be its remaining stump. This was much more difficult than the photos will show and this entire process took several hours.
This action took it’s toll on me. Time for a bicycle ride, and then a shower. Top that off with a refreshing drink of Coke and a trip up the road to see our daughter.Enjoy the day. I know I will. I’ll be back with more later as tomorrow I take the roomie three hours south in preparation for cervical fusion neck surgery. That’s a whole other story so tune in for the rollercoaster ride again with GypsyLarry.
Nice pictures! Really refreshing.
Good luck with the surgery. Hope all goes well.
Thanks Chad, I appreciate your comments. How are things in Korea?